<MSG69 = <NSRT=targetRange>Phaser fire control is nominal. Targets destroyed.>
#otherSpeaks,Photon torpedo system is nominal.,
#otherSpeaks,Photon torpedo system is incomplete or not installed.,
#otherSpeaks,Phaser system not functioning.,
#otherSpeaks,Quantum torpedo system is nominal.,
#otherSpeaks,Quantum torpedo system is incomplete or not installed. This is only a concern if this is a Defiant or Sovereign-class vessel.,
<CCMD = #goal1achieved,-,
// ========================================
// MSG Table
<MSG99 = [1:"Completed weapons evaluation."]>
<MSG01 = Prepare for final test phase.<HEAR=action>>
<MSG02 = 2...>
<MSG03 = 3...>
<MSG04 = 4...>
<MSG05 = Tactical, stand by for firing exercises.>
<MSG06 = Proceed to test range exit.>
<MSG13 = .>
// ENVIRONMENT OVERLAY DATA =================================
<LEVTMAP = #blackHole,500,500,Black hole in area., #asteroid,600,200,Asteroid field,>
<TEVTMAP = #wearNTear,1200,-,>
// scan overlays required
<MO_SN_LR = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_RF = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_PA = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_GM = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_PR = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_LF = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_SS = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_OP = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_GF = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_GR = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_IR = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_PM = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_PRB_DATA = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
// But if Phasers arent ready... --psm 98/09/30
<MO_CR_NOPHS = #otherSpeaks,Phasers not online. Try the torpedos.,#fireQuantumTorpedo,-,>
<MO_CR_NOQTP = #firePhotonTorpedo,-,>
<MO_CR_NOPTP = #otherSpeaks,Photon torpedos off line!,#enemyFire,-,>
<MO_HQ_EV0 = 1,>
<MO_HQ_EV1 = ALERT: Warp engines not responding. Possible subsystem inadequacies or damage. Refer to System Performance Analysis in the outcome report for symptoms.,
#otherSpeaks,-,Ignore and carry on., #simOver ,-,Stop mission., #HQCmd1,>